Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

to lean

  • 1 lean-tos

    [l'i:n tu:z] n = link=lean-to lean-to.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lean-tos

  • 2 lean-to

    [l'i:n tu:] n 1 ala ou extensão de um prédio que tem uma única inclinação de telhado. 2 alpendre. 3 hangar. • adj com uma só inclinação (telhado).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lean-to

  • 3 lean

    I [li:n] past tense, past participles - leant; verb
    1) (to slope over to one side; not to be upright: The lamp-post had slipped and was leaning across the road.) inclinar-se
    2) (to rest (against, on): She leaned the ladder against the wall; Don't lean your elbows on the table; He leant on the gate.) encostar(-se)
    II [li:n] adjective
    1) (thin; not fat: a tall, lean man.) magro
    2) (not containing much fat: lean meat.) magro
    3) (poor; not producing much: a lean harvest.) fraco
    * * *
    [li:n] n inclinação. • vt+vi (ps and pp leant or leaned) 1 inclinar(-se), curvar(-se), recostar(-se). 2 apoiar(-se). 3 depender. 4 tender. to lean on a friend’s advice confiar no conselho de um amigo.
    [li:n] n carne magra. • adj 1 magro. 2 sem gordura. 3 pobre, deficiente. 4 improdutivo, escasso, insuficiente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > lean

  • 4 lean

    I [li:n] past tense, past participles - leant; verb
    1) (to slope over to one side; not to be upright: The lamp-post had slipped and was leaning across the road.) inclinar(-se)
    2) (to rest (against, on): She leaned the ladder against the wall; Don't lean your elbows on the table; He leant on the gate.) apoiar(-se)
    II [li:n] adjective
    1) (thin; not fat: a tall, lean man.) magro
    2) (not containing much fat: lean meat.) magro
    3) (poor; not producing much: a lean harvest.) escasso

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > lean

  • 5 lean mixture

    mistura pobre

    English-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > lean mixture

  • 6 lean to

    abrigo encostado a um terreno acidentado

    English-Portuguese dictionary of military terminology > lean to

  • 7 lean

    apoiar, reclinar

    English-Brazilian Portuguese dictionary > lean

  • 8 to lean on a friend’s advice

    to lean on a friend’s advice
    confiar no conselho de um amigo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > to lean on a friend’s advice

  • 9 leanly

    [l'i:nli] adv pobremente, sem substância.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > leanly

  • 10 Tirolean

    [tiroul'i:ən] n tirolês, tirolesa, habitante do Tirol. • adj tirolês, pertencente ou relativo ao Tirol.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > Tirolean

  • 11 heel

    [hi:l] 1. noun
    1) (the back part of the foot: I have a blister on my heel.) calcanhar
    2) (the part of a sock etc that covers this part of the foot: I have a hole in the heel of my sock.) calcanhar
    3) (the part of a shoe, boot etc under or round the heel of the foot: The heel has come off this shoe.) salto
    2. verb
    1) (to put a heel on (a shoe etc).) pôr saltos em
    2) ((usually with over) (of ships) to lean to one side: The boat heeled over in the strong wind.) inclinar-se
    - - heeled
    - at/on one's heels
    - kick one's heels
    - take to one's heels
    - to heel
    - turn on one's heel
    * * *
    [hi:l] n 1 calcanhar. 2 salto do sapato. 3 ponta, esporão. 4 heels patas traseiras de animais. • vt+vi 1 colocar saltos em sapatos. 2 andar nos calcanhares de alguém, seguir alguém. down at heels maltrapilho, miserável. to be out at heels ser pobre. to turn on the heel virar(-se) abruptamente. under heel sob controle.
    [hi:l] n inclinação do navio. • vt+vi adernar: inclinar(-se) (o navio), deixando um lado debaixo da água.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > heel

  • 12 leaning

    noun (a liking or preference: She has a leaning towards the arts.) inclinação
    * * *
    [l'i:niŋ] n 1 inclinação, propensão. 2 parcialidade • adj 1 inclinado. 2 propenso. the leaning tower of Pisa a torre inclinada de Pisa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > leaning

  • 13 leanness

    noun magreza
    * * *
    [l'i:nnis] n 1 magreza. 2 pobreza.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > leanness

  • 14 list

    I 1. [list] noun
    (a series eg of names, numbers, prices etc written down or said one after the other: a shopping-list; We have a long list of people who are willing to help.) lista
    2. verb
    (to place in a list: He listed the things he had to do.) fazer uma lista
    II 1. [list] verb
    (to lean over to one side: The ship is listing.) adernar
    2. noun
    The ship had a heavy list.) adernagem
    * * *
    [list] n 1 lista, rol, catálogo, relação. 2 ourela, borda. 3 liça, arena. 4 limite, marco. • vt+vi 1 arrolar, registrar, anotar, especificar. 2 alistar, recrutar. 3 orlar, guarnecer com orlas.
    [list] n desejo, prazer, inclinação. • vt+vi 1 agradar, desejar. 2 escolher. the wind bloweth where it listeth arch o vento sopra para onde quer.
    [list] n inclinação de um navio. • vt+vi Naut inclinar(-se), estar inclinado, querenar.
    [list] vt Poet ouvir, escutar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > list

  • 15 prop

    I 1. [prop] noun
    (a support: The ceiling was held up with wooden props.) escora
    2. verb
    (to lean (something) against something else: He propped his bicycle against the wall.) encostar
    II see property
    * * *
    [prɔp] n 1 estaca, escora, espeque, esteio. 2 fig amparo, arrimo. 3 Theat acessório, objeto usado no palco ou na cena de filmagem. • vt 1 estaquear, escorar, sustentar (também prop up). 2 apoiar, fortalecer, animar.
    [prɔp] abbr propeller.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > prop

  • 16 rail

    [reil] 1. noun
    1) (a (usually horizontal) bar of metal, wood etc used in fences etc, or for hanging things on: Don't lean over the rail; a curtain-rail; a towel-rail.) barra
    2) ((usually in plural) a long bar of steel which forms the track on which trains etc run.) carril
    2. verb
    ((usually with in or off) to surround with a rail or rails: We'll rail that bit of ground off to stop people walking on it.) gradear
    - railroad
    - railway
    - by rail
    * * *
    railroad, railway
    [reil] n 1 grade, parapeito, balaústre, barreira. 2 barra ou varão (de grade ou cerca). 3 corrimão. 4 trilho de estrada de ferro ou de uma máquina. 5 a própria estrada de ferro, como meio de transporte. 6 Naut amurada. • vt 1 prover com grade, barreira ou trilhos. 2 cercar, circundar. 3 despachar por via férrea. 4 viajar por via férrea. by rail por estrada de ferro, de trem. guard rail grade protetora. off the rails a) desorganizado, desarranjado. b) louco, demente. c) degenerado (moralmente). to get, go/ run off the rails a) descarrilhar. b) fig rebelar-se. to jump the rails descarrilhar. to rail in/ off cercar com grades.
    [reil] vt+vi ralhar, xingar, dizer insultos ou palavras afrontosas, injuriar (at, against, on).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rail

  • 17 recline

    (to lean or lie on one's back or side: The invalid was reclining on the sofa.) reclinar-se
    * * *
    [rikl'ain] vt+vi 1 reclinar(-se), recostar(-se). 2 inclinar(-se), pender. 3 apoiar, repousar, descansar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > recline

  • 18 rest

    I 1. [rest] noun
    1) (a (usually short) period of not working etc after, or between periods of, effort; (a period of) freedom from worries etc: Digging the garden is hard work - let's stop for a rest; Let's have/take a rest; I need a rest from all these problems - I'm going to take a week's holiday.) descanso
    2) (sleep: He needs a good night's rest.) descanso
    3) (something which holds or supports: a book-rest; a headrest on a car seat.) apoio
    4) (a state of not moving: The machine is at rest.) desligado
    2. verb
    1) (to (allow to) stop working etc in order to get new strength or energy: We've been walking for four hours - let's stop and rest; Stop reading for a minute and rest your eyes; Let's rest our legs.) descansar
    2) (to sleep; to lie or sit quietly in order to get new strength or energy, or because one is tired: Mother is resting at the moment.) descansar
    3) (to (make or allow to) lean, lie, sit, remain etc on or against something: Her head rested on his shoulder; He rested his hand on her arm; Her gaze rested on the jewels.) descansar
    4) (to relax, be calm etc: I will never rest until I know the murderer has been caught.) descansar
    5) (to (allow to) depend on: Our hopes now rest on him, since all else has failed.) depender de
    6) ((with with) (of a duty etc) to belong to: The choice rests with you.) pertencer
    - restfully
    - restfulness
    - restless
    - restlessly
    - restlessness
    - rest-room
    - at rest
    - come to rest
    - lay to rest
    - let the matter rest
    - rest assured
    - set someone's mind at rest
    II [rest]
    * * *
    [rest] n 1 descanso, repouso, folga, trégua, tranqüilidade, paz, sossego. 2 sono. 3 lugar de repouso, sanatório. 4 abrigo, albergue, pousada, parada. 5 suporte, apoio, pedestal. 6 Mus pausa. 7 Poet morte, túmulo. 8 inércia. the matter rests with you / o caso depende de você. 9 Poet cesura. • vt+vi 1 descansar ( from de), repousar, fazer uma pausa, estar parado, não se mover, ficar quieto. I shall not rest until this matter is settled / não descansarei até este assunto ser resolvido. 2 estar calmo, sossegado ou despreocupado. you can rest assured that we will do all we can / você pode ter a certeza de que faremos tudo que pudermos. 3 dormir. 4 estar morto, jazer. 5 não ser aproveitado, cultivado (terras). 6 ser espalhado. 7 ser apoiado ou apoiar-se (on, against sobre, em), basear-se ( upon sobre), motivar-se (in em). 8 depender (on de), confiar (in em). 9 parar, cessar de mover-se. 10 deixar pendente. 11 dirigir, fixar (os olhos). our eyes rest on the book / nossos olhos estão fixos no livro. 12 Jur interromper voluntariamente a apresentação de provas. a day of rest dia de descanso. the fault rests with you a culpa é sua. to be at rest a) estar dormindo. b) estar parado. c) estar despreocupado, livre de aborrecimentos. d) Euphem estar morto. to give a rest deixar em paz, não amolar. to lay at rest sepultar, enterrar. to lay/ put ( an idea) to rest provar que é falso. to let something rest deixar de lado. to let the matter rest dar o assunto por liquidado. to put/set someone’s mind at rest tranqüilizar, apaziguar. to rest on/ upon a) apoiar-se. b) basear-se. to rest up coll descansar. to set at rest acalmar, aquietar. to take a rest descansar. without rest sem descanso, sem folga.
    [rest] n 1 resto, restante, sobra, resíduo. 2 saldo, reserva. 3 Ten série longa de trocas de bola. • vt+vi 1 restar, sobrar, sobejar. 2 ficar, permanecer. among the rest entre as outras coisas. and all the rest of it e tudo o mais. and the rest? e quem mais? for the rest demais, além disso. the rest os outros, os demais. you may rest assured that você pode ficar certo de que.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > rest

  • 19 tend

    I [tend] verb
    (to take care of; to look after: A shepherd tends his sheep.) guardar
    II [tend] verb
    1) (to be likely (to do something); to do (something) frequently: Plants tend to die in hot weather; He tends to get angry.) tender a
    2) (to move, lean or slope in a certain direction: This bicycle tends to(wards) the left.) inclinar-se
    * * *
    [tend] vt+vi 1 tender, inclinar-se, estar apto. 2 mover-se, dirigir-se, visar. to tend to be privileged ter preferência em geral.
    [tend] vt+vi tomar conta, cuidar, zelar.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > tend

  • 20 leant

    English-Portuguese dictionary > leant

См. также в других словарях:

  • Lean manufacturing — or lean production, which is often known simply as Lean , is the practice of a theory of production that considers the expenditure of resources for any means other than the creation of value for the presumed customer to be wasteful, and thus a… …   Wikipedia

  • Lean-Management — ist die Gesamtheit der Denkprinzipien, Methoden und Verfahrensweisen zur effizienten Gestaltung der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette industrieller Güter[1]. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Begriff 2 Kernidee 2.1 Zehn Prinzipien für schlanke Unternehmensführung …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lean construction — is a translation and adaption of lean manufacturing principles and practices to the end to end design and construction process. Unlike manufacturing, construction is a project based production process. Lean construction is concerned with the… …   Wikipedia

  • Lean burn — refers to the use of lean mixtures in an internal combustion engine. The air fuel ratios can be as high as 65:1, so the mixture has considerably less fuel in comparison to the stoichiometric combustion ratio (14.7:1 for petrol for example).… …   Wikipedia

  • Lean software development — is a translation of lean manufacturing principles and practices to the software development domain. Adapted from the Toyota Production System, a pro lean subculture is emerging from within the Agile community. Origin The term Lean Software… …   Wikipedia

  • Lean Cuisine — is a brand of frozen entreés and dinners sold in the United States, Canada, and Australia by Nestlé. The brand began as low fat, low calorie versions of Stouffer s products. Today Lean Cuisine includes traditional dinners, ethnic dishes, pizzas,… …   Wikipedia

  • Lean Development — (auch Lean Product Development) trägt das erfolgreiche Management Konzept „Lean Production“ in die Entwicklung und den ganzheitlichen Produktentstehungsprozess. Die Anwendung schlanken Denkens in der Produktion hat zu großen Erfolgen geführt. Die …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Lean manufacturing — Lean L école de gestion d entreprise dite lean (littéralement : « maigre », « sans gras », « dégraissé ») s intéresse à la performance (productivité, qualité). Les tenants du lean recherchent la performance par… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Lean Management: Grundzüge eines Konzepts zur Steigerung der Unternehmenseffizienz —   Der Begriff »Lean Management« ist aus dem Begriff »Lean Production« hervorgegangen und hat im Grunde die gleiche Bedeutung, mit dem Unterschied, dass »Lean Management« einen breiteren Anwendungsbereich hat, beispielsweise in den Bereichen… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Lean Construction — ist die Adaptierung des Toyota Produktionssystems auf den Baubereich. Neben der Bezeichnung Lean Construction kommt auch die Bezeichnung Lean Management im Bauwesen zu Einsatz. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Definition 2 Lean Construction 3 Literatur …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • lean — [liːn] adjective 1. COMMERCE using the most effective methods and the fewest employees possible: • In the struggle to turn the company into a lean commercial outfit, some lines have been discontinued altogether. 2. MANUFACTURING lean… …   Financial and business terms

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